stop food in landfill
Did you know that the average Australian sends more than one tonne of waste to landfill each year? While the average Swedish household sends around three kilograms. Waste is Australia’s most rapidly increasing environmental and economic metric. Waste is an environmental issue as well as a resource issue and as Australia approaches 2050 with a population of 40 million, resources will be more valuable than ever.

The alternative to landfill

Fact 1
Some people assumed InSinkErators used a lot of water. Fact is they use less than 1% of total yearly water use. This is equivalent to a single flush of a toilet in a household of four people.

Fact 2
Some people assume InSinkErators have blades… they don’t! Instead, impellers (lugs) are mounted on a spinning plate and use centrifugal force to grind the food waste (like hammers) crushing food waste into tiny particles, that are then washed away into the sewerage system. Hence the food waster disposer never requires emptying.

Fact 3
They cost just $3.50 a year to run.

Fact 4
The food waste is washed away into the sewerage which is sent to the wastewater treatment plant, at appropriate wastewater treatment plants, food waste can be turned into renewable energy and bio-solids.

Fact 5
Some people believe that composting is a better alternative. Composting plays an important role in waste management however, this is not a feasible option for many people living in high rise apartments. Additionally, food waste disposers are designed to complement people dedicated to composting as it facilitates the disposal of bones, animal food bi-products such as cheese and meat, and other food products not appropriate for compost beds.
Click here for more information on food waste disposers and the model range.
Australia is one of the highest producers of waste per head of population in the world.

tips to be a food waste warrior
Earth day April 22nd
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day now includes events in more than 193 countries, which are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. Earth Day Network works year round to solve climate change, to end plastic pollution, to protect endangered species, and to broaden, educate, and activate the environmental movement across the globe. One billion people Earth Day is now a global event each year, and we believe that more than 1 billion people in 192 countries now take part in...
For A Food Waste Free EASTER!
This Easter Shop smarter and eat better to help fight food waste Food waste is a crisis for Australians, who throw away a shocking 3.1 million tonnes of edible food each year. Australia is the fourth worst in the world when it came to food waste, with an average of 298 kilograms of food per person thrown out each year, according to the 2019 Rabobank food Waste report. The main culprit behind household food waste is food going off before it can be finished, with 75 per cent of those polled falling victim to this, the report found. Nearly half...
The original food waste warrior!
Here we would like to answer a few popular questions; What can you put in an Insinkerator? Insinkerators take all small bones, meat, dairy, all food waste scraps-take bones, meat, seafood, dairy, tea bags, coffee grounds, egg shells, fruit and veg and much more. They are ground into tiny particles and flushed through your plumbing into the sewerage which go to wastewater treatment plants. At appropriate wastewater treatment plants, Methane is captured and turned into renewable energy and at appropriate plants the sludge can be turned into biosolids. They use less than 1% of the households water consumption and cost...
Why Install A Disposer?
Our kitchens have become the social hub of the home, therefore, a way to quickly and hygienically dispose of food waste represents an ideal solution for both entertainers and busy families. The modern food waste disposer is a true evolution in the way we process organic food scraps and is the perfect complement to the modern Australia kitchen. Depositing food scraps down the sink not only minimises the handling of food leftovers, but it eliminates the problem of odours in kitchen bins and the insects they attract–especially during the hot Australian summers. Key Advantages: Environmentally responsible as food waste can...
How does an Insinkerator work?
Food waste is fed into the disposer together with water from the ambient cold tap. The food waste is simply and quickly ground into fine particles, no knives and no blades. The food waste is then washed away through the waste disposer and into your normal waste system or into the sewerage. The Insinkerator food waste disposer is designed to cope with most types of food waste, including — bones from fish and poultry and meat, fish scraps, vegetables, fruit, egg shells and much more. Food waste disposers are designed for food waste only and packaging materials should not be...
food waste is bad for everything
We know food waste/organic matter in the garbage bin goes to landfill and increases greenhouse gas emissions, with so many landfill sites unable to process the methane gas.